Sunday, October 6, 2013

This is my first ever true blog post. I won't be covering any specific topics in this post, but rather discussing my goals and vision for this, and what I'd like to grow it to. I should start off with who I am. My name is James Clyde Smith Junior. I'm 18 and I am currently a freshman at the Indianapolis campus of the Kelley School of Business. Now many people wouldn't associate "gentleman" with a male college student, but it is how I see myself. I intend for this to be so much more than a blog that talks about how the modern gentleman would dress or things of that nature, because honestly, while I do know a fair amount about those sorts of things, I'm no expert. Also, I believe that being a modern gentleman is so much more than a look. It's a lifestyle and a mindset, and THAT is what I'm here to blog about. The lifestyle. While style certainly factors in, I believe the modern gentleman is a man who keeps up with technology and news. The happenings of the world. He should also understand etiquette and behavior that is appropriate in various settings. Not everything about this lifestyle and mindset is tangible. Some facets of it are, however. Grooming, accessories, and clothing are what I would say make up the modern gentleman's style. This style is not to be thought of as a standard that is set by one man that all other urban gentleman are to conform to after it has been set. It's an individual thing. My vision for this blog is big, but I believe it can happen. I'd like to start as a blog, and then, as I gain a following, grow it into something much bigger. I'd like to turn this into my own website with a blog and a shop with products that I use or find useful, eventually. Down the road, I'd also like to start a youtube channel so I can vlog about topics and do product reviews as well. As I said before though, I don't want this first post to be too in depth on any one category, so I'll keep it short and go ahead and cut it off here. Please stay tuned for more content and I hope you are able to gain some enjoyment or knowledge from what I'm doing here. And thank you for reading!

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Hello, and mt name is James C. Smith Jr., but most people just call me "L.J.", and if you've found yourself here, then you're likely seeking to live the life of or stay up to date with the things that a modern gentleman is interested in. Please do note that this is not a fashion website, but rather a place for me to share all of the things that I find related to the lifestyle and mindset of the modern gentleman. I hope all who read find enjoyment and useful information in what I write about. -JCS